Monday, July 30, 2012

SharePoint Error Found - Sorry

Facinating pop-up on SharePoint Central Administration Server
(In Danish - sorry).

Nothing in Event Log.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SharePoint versioning fails

I recently came across a document library at a customer with major versioning only. When checking for a particular version of a file using SPFile.Versions object we came across a strange error.

Despite the fact that version 1.1 exists as illustrated by the picture below

when checking the SharePoint API for the Versions collection there's only one version of the file, namely version 1.0, internally numbered 512.

As we use SharePoint for document management we sometimes need to retrieve a particular version of the file, in this case version 1.0. But checking SharePoint's versioning system we're told that the latest version is 1.0 - not 1.1. This might be due to the fact that minor versioning has been turned on at one point in the document library - but we don't know.

As SharePoint says the latest version is 1.0 we'll get the wrong file version when trying to retrieve version 1.0. As SharePoint says 1.0 is the latest version we'll retrieve this version of the file despite the fact that version 1.1 is the latest version.

Checking out and checking in the file changes the latest version to 2.0.

I find it quite surprising that SharePoint still 10+ years after the first release have these basic errors. It makes it very hard to provide a robust document management system on top of SharePoint as we have to solve all these errors in our document management level of code on top of SharePoint.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Her er fordelene ved at skrotte e-mailen

Læs Jacob Wittorff's artikel om status for #NoEmail hos Exformatics her eller her..

Kan desuden læses på Ekstra Bladet's hjemmeside

Det drejer sig om at arbejde smartere og anvende nye teknologier for at løse de samarbejdsudfordringer alle virksomheder slås med.

Læs mere i den kommende uge på hvor vi i forbindelse med Arbejd Smartere ugen vil sætte fokus på vores tanker herom. Det drejer sig om at sætte strøm til arbejdsgangene i virksomhederne således at tingene flyder af sig selv, så medarbejderen 40 cm fra skærmen hjælpes til at gennemføre sit arbejde. Når der sættes strøm til processerne mindskes behovet for emails, og ved at anvende sociale medier i arbejdsgangene forventer vi at emails helt kan undgås internt.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Arbejd smartere

I uge 16 fokuserer vi på at arbejde smartere.

Følg debatten på fx Facebook.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Befriende med e-mailfri januar

Anders Elbak fra IDC Nordic skriver at email er bedre da det gemmes til forskel fra chat. Jeg vil faktisk mene at det forholder sig omvendt. I vores løsning anvendes en aktivitetsstrøm som gemmes og dermed automatisk er arkiveret på relevante forretningsobjekter.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ph.D. - adaptive case management

Now it's official - we co-sposor a PhD student at the IT University of Copenhagen.

Flow charts replaced with a new logic - dynamic condition response. Easier to understand for business users - easier to implement for IT people. The gap beteween business and IT is narrowing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

#Noemail – tag kontrol over indbakken

Read about our #NoEmail initiative on our web site or on Facebook.

Comments appreciated

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The importance of synchronous event handlers

Finally a good explanation on the issues we face with SharePoint 2010 compared with SharePoint 2007. We have a global unique document id which enables us to support quality requirements such as FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and ISO 9000. Everytime a document is added to SharePoint we give it a unique id and makes a MD5 hash of the metadata and document in order to prove that the document was indeed created on the specific date. When making a major approval, publishing, we run a workflow which prompts various users for a electronic signature which is stored with the document.

This works great in SharePoint 2007. We use ItemAdded to add the unique document id. However, we sometimes face some issues with SharePoint 2010. Obviously it is related to the timing om ItemAdded which is used. As it runs asynchronous we cannot be certain when the code is run - so sometimes we experience that the code is run and a unique document id is assigned to the document, but when we check the document afterwards the field is empty.

Setting ItemAdded to run synchronous solves our issue. Thanks for the hint.

Monday, January 16, 2012

#NoEmail - New Year promise - no more emails

Read this acticle about our New Year promise - no more internal emails. In danish - but use Google Translate.

Another article - also in danish - can be found here.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

SharePoint content - Anywhere

Exformatics Anywhere enables access to SharePoint content behind the firewall from your iPhone, iPad ogg Android device.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions can now be accessed from mobile devices. Several links refers to this.

Find application on Android Market.