Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SharePoint is case-sensitive - documents upload into root-folder

It took us quite a while to figure out this issue. It turns out that SharePoint sitenames og document libraries are case-sensitive. If you try to navigate to a folder using it's URL and type the site og document library in the wrong case it seems to work. However, when trying to upload documents it fails. Documents are then placed in the root-folder of the document library as outlined below.

Given a standard document library "Documents" you create a new folder "Folder1".
Navigate to the folder
and then click Upload to upload a document, "My New Document.docx", and everything works as it should:
Now, try to enter the URL of the folder directly in your browser in this case enter
where "Documents" is modified to "documents" (little d).

As you can see everything seems to work as they should:
However, when you try to click Upload
the document is not uploaded into the folder
but instead the document ends up in the root-folder of the Document library:
Quite a scary error in a standard product used by so many people in the world. When I presented the problem to a Microsoft representative claiming SharePoint to be case-sensitive they didn't believe me until I presented the above example.

Therefore. Remember that site-names and Document Libraries in SharePoint are case-sensitive.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sæt strøm til processerne - fra arbejdsgang analyse over BPMN til digitale arbejdsgange

Exformatics har i foråret 2010 sammen med Kommunernes Landsforening arbejdet med at digitalisere arbejdsgange. Med udgangspunkt i en arbejdsganganalyse og efterfølgende modellering i BPMN er arbejdsgangen placeret i KL's arbejdsgangbank.

Exformatics har på baggrund af fremsendt BPMN diagram (i XPDL) mappet dette til vores arbejdsgang motor (Exformatics Process) således at arbejdsgangen efterfølgende er faciliteret digitalt.

Læs om projektet på KL's hjemmeside.

Exformatics detaljerede besvarelse af KL's opgave kan findes på dette link.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Processer og IT

Exformatics taler på seminaret arrangeret af Alexandra Instituttet. Læs mere her.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Office 2007 and MOSS - custom document properties

When adding Office 2003 documents to MOSS custom document properties in Office 2003 are added as SharePoint properties in a content class. Setting custom documents properties in Office 2003 is easy and well known.

When uploading Office 2007 documents to MOSS with custom documents properties set in the same manner as in Office 2003 documents, MOSS properties are not set.

I found this blog which points out a solution and it works fine if you're working with Office 2007 templates. However, if your template is a Office 2003 DOT-file and saves the document as an Office 2007 it doesn't work anyway.

Update: I found the following msdn blog which is worth reading.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Professionshøjskolen Metropol får ESDH fra Exformatics

Professionshøjskolen Metropol får nu ESDH fra Exformatics. Uddannelsesinstitutionen skal fremover bruge Exformatics ESDH til sagsstyring i administrationen, der sørger for den daglige drift af uddannelser på flere forskellige adresser i København.

Læs mere på Version2 eller Exformatics.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Identify Publish a Major Version

For some strange reason SharePoint doesn't raise an ItemCheckingIn or ItemCheckedIn event when documents are published in new major versions, unless you do a Checkin and select major version in the same operation.

How can you identify a "Publish a Major Version" with other events? I did some googling and experiments and found out that using BeforeProperties and AfterProperties in the ItemUpdating handler might do the job. Similar posts can be found here, but I didn't get the same result.

int iBefore, iAfter;
iBefore = int.Parse(properties.BeforePropeties["vti_level"]);
iAfter = int.Parse(properties.AfterPropeties["vti_level"]);

Using the value of iBefore and iAfter I was able to identify the following events:
CheckIn Minor Version
CheckIn Major Version
Publish a Major Version

So if (iBefore == iAfter) you a facing a "Publish a Major Version" event.